
"YOU are not here to save the world but YES, you are here to touch the hands that are within your reach."

If you would be interested in joining our Mission of Love volunteer teams contact kathy@missionoflove.org.

Usually our volunteer work consists of seven days in which the volunteer pays his own expenses and donates $125 toward the job site at hand. Throughout the years we have networked by the experiences of the volunteers and they in turn pass the word to their family and friends etc. We have had many repeat volunteers, families, and school classes join us.
All the volunteers always comment on just how great they feel after one week of service to complete strangers. Not only does it affect the volunteer but it affects his family and in turn affects his community. 
Read comments from past volunteers on their experiences.

Watch Volunteer, Eric Broviak's Video of 2016 Mission of Love to Guatemala

Watch the New Channel 5 Story about Mission of Love Volunteers

Watch a Tribute to our Mission of

Love Volunteers

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