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How Mission of Love began our work in Guatemala
While doing our Denton airlifts, building clinics and schools in Mexico for a number of years, Judith Fernandez introduced us to Angie, the Director of Casa Guatemala Orphanage, Rio Dulce, Guatemala. Angie made a plea for our Mission of LOVE to help with her orphanage by rebuilding a roof for the girls dormitory after hearing from Judith all of the good work that was being done in Mexico via our Mission of LOVE.
The orphans were living in a home that was infested with bats, rats and snakes and holes in their thatched roof. The children were dying because of pneumonia during the rainy season, and were continually getting sick.
In 1995 we had our first Denton airlift to Casa Guatemala containing building, educational, food, medical, shoes and clothing. In 1996 our Mission of LOVE building volunteers armed with tools, talent and energy arrived at Casa Guatemala Orphanage to place a new roof on the girls dormitory.

Volunteers began tearing down the old thatched roof, and started building the new 60' pitched roof, with all with the building materials that were sent from our Mission of LOVE warehouse, Ravenna, Ohio via the Denton Program.
The children worked with each and everyone of the Mission of LOVE volunteers and were thrilled to have a new roof and new friends to call their very own. Many of those same Mission of LOVE volunteers who re-roofed that girls dormitory in the jungles of Guatemala still continue to volunteer on our projects.
Our Mission of LOVE continues daily for the Mayan blind, orphaned, sick, deaf, dying, disfigured, homeless children of Guatemala. Please take the time to read the stories written and the video's made by our Mission of LOVE Volunteers.
Guatemala Photo Gallery October 2013
May 1, 2016 Medical Mission
Oct 12-19, 2013 Medical Mission to Tecpan
Oct 2013 Medical Journey
Feb 2013 Casa Guatemala
Dec 2012 Medical Mission
YOU are not here to save the world but here to touch the hearts and hands that are within your reach. - Kathleen Price
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