Letter from Kathleen Price - Mission of Love Founder

2017 is coming to a close and I would like to thank you for making our Mission of Love year a true success. In our 2017 Mission of Love newsletter I am sharing with you some Good News love stories that have been written by our Mission of Love volunteers. Know that you have touched thousands of life’s via your contribution to our Mission of Love, unconditionally.

This year we have made fourteen mission trips to Guatemala, Aransas Pass Texas, Gatlinburg Tennessee, Mexico, Pine Ridge Native American Indian Reservation South Dakota, Standing Rock Native American Indian Reservation North Dakota, the Island of Dominica. Every day in every way our Mission of Love continues servicing the poorest of the poor and victims of natural disasters with unconditional love and compassion.

Our promises have been kept and our work of love continues because of you.

  • WE have given wheelchairs, walkers and rehab treatment to those who only dream of having these tools to walk. 
  • WE have allowed children to smile and thrive via our Mission of love surgeries teams while completing cleft palate, lip and facial deformities to countless indigenous children, 
  • WE have built homes for the homeless and disabled, 
  • WE have distributed countless comfort quilts to those who were in natural disasters, 
  • WE have sent via the Denton Program two C5 Air Force planes containing corn, bus, ambulance and 130,000 pounds of medical, educational, and building supplies, in January 
  • WE opened our Mission of Love Grandmothers Home in Tecpan, Guatemala. In our Grandmothers home we have seven children who parents both died of cancer and were homeless and two elderly grandmothers who were homeless and abused by their families, our Mission of Love office, medical clinic and therapy room for the disabled. 
  • A Eagle Scout Award was given to Clark Chisnell for his contribution of humanitarian aid that he collected in order to serve. 
  • Morgaine Bellanger received a A for her internship with our Mission of Love from Colorado University. 
  • We have purchased a fire truck for Tecpan, Guatemala in order to be utilized for fires but also to delivery water to the indigenous Mayan communities who have no water. 
  • We has just received a donation of a ambulance. 
  • Our Mission of Love has supported and given aid to the cancer kids, orphans, homeless, elderly, deformed, disabled, starving and hopeless, ALL because of you. 

There are no real words to convey my sincere appreciation for your belief, support, love, monetary donations, time and resources all in order to allow our Mission of Love to give humanitarian aid to those in need.

I would like to share with you a note of gratitude from Joe American Horse:

Dear Mission of Love ~ Kathleen Price
There is NO word to describe how appreciative we are to the Mission of Love Foundation in building homes on our Pine Ridge Native American Indian Reservation, S.D. and elsewhere.
If we would have more people like the Mission of Love, there would be NO conflicts, NO wars. Everyone would live in Peace! The Mission of Love built a home for me within five days. Wopila Tonka! Thank you!
Sincerely Yours, Joe American Horse - Grandson of the Chief 

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! With love and gratitude,

Kathleen Price
Mission of Love Founder

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